Gran Vitreous Update 1.03

Update 1.03 is here. Below is a list of changes/improvements you'll find in the latest version:

-Added a death sequence to large enemy types (Motherships, Stations, and Bosses)
-Updated the look of the Angle Attacker enemies
-Added better particle reaction and pulsing visuals for laser type weapons
-Added a stretch effect to the players ship when using the boost utility
-Added a trail to Edge Rider enemies when they're attacking across the zone
-Made powerups scale up and down for better noticeability
-Added animation details and engine particle trails to the enemy motherships
-Added the ability to delete saves from the Save/Load screen

Update 1.02

Hey everyone here's an update of what we're working on for Gran Vitreous and what you can expect in patch 1.02:

  • Enhanced particles and visuals for projectiles
  • New warp animation and effects to get a better impact when warping
  • Enemies now visually react to being hit by scaling and color shifting for a second
  • Small Screen shakes on being hit and killed to give a sense of impact
  • More constant autosaving with a backup system to prevent progress loss
  • Added color shifting effects to the photon and phaser projectile
  • Area screen has been given an oscillating cursor to help visiblity
  • Swarm enemies are now animated to give you a better sense of when they do damage
  • Altered movement mechanics of enemies to break up the pack better
  • Increased item/credit pickup and pull radius
  • Vectorized death animations for the larger enemies
  • For balance the autoturret secondary weapon has been reduced in strength

Gran Vitreous Now Available for Purchase

We're proud to announce that our first finished game Gran Vitreous launched today. You can purchase the game from Desura here:

We should also be on indie game stand very shortly and I'll update this post with a link as soon as it is.

If you like the game remember to vote for us on Greenlight:

Gran Vitreous available for preorder on Desura.

Gran Vitreous officially launches on April 3rd on multiple services. You can currently preorder on Desura if you wish. We initially planned on the game being out a few weeks ago but it took a little longer to get everything squared away with publishers than we anticipated. We took the additional time to do further playtesting making sure the game runs perfectly on release. We've also done more work on the difficulty scaling in the game to give a more fair experience when your equipment is well tuned for your level. Also we've improved some of the sound effects and added the flying numbers effect to healing actions instead of just damage. 

We hope you enjoy the game when you finally have a chance to play it.


Here's the preorder link:

Update: Improvements and Changes

We've made a few balance changes to make the game both faster and more fair. 

-The speed of the player and enemies ship and the players acceleration has been increased slightly while the acceleration of the enemies has remained the same. This should give the game a faster feel while also giving the player a slight maneuverability edge over the enemy. 

-The wrangler enemy which draws in your player with a beam has been modified heavily. No longer is it an instant death when passing by a large enough pack. The packs beam strength builds diminishingly up to a maximum. A large formation is still a threat and will drag you into the pack if encountered but a few tricks are now in place to allow a good pilot to maneuver away. 

-Zone attribute details now pop in one by one after the countdown. This is to give the player a quick rundown of the zones attributes (Enemy Health %, Item Find, Unlimited Secondary, etc..) without taking their eyes off of the ship or having to pause. 

-Improved the credit and item drop noticeably. We've added rings colored by item rarity and credit stack count to the in game pickups. This will make them easier to pick out amidst the enemies and effects while also allowing you to hone in on better quality drops. 

We've also made some optimizations to the game. 

-We found a small stutter occurred on lower end machines when a very large amount of effects were on the screen at once. We found an inefficiency in one of the major particle effect routines and have fixed it so the game should run at a consistent 60 FPS at all times regardless of the specifications of your machine. 

-Another small inefficiency was found in the glow effect and should increase speeds in effect heavy situations by 5%.